Bring institutional-grade crypto asset management to your portfolio

Benefit from the experience and expertise of a team with a proven track record of success.

To create a full service crypto and financial assets brokerage business by providing the best client trading experience and building a one-stop shop for clients, bridging the gap between crypto and traditional financial markets. ​

Our Features

Trade large blocks of crypto assets
Institutional-grade block trade and custody for large-scale investors
Secure your Crypto Assets with Bay One Capital
Protect your portfolio with our institutional-grade security measures.
Diversify your portfolio
Access a variety of digital assets to help reduce risk and volatility.


Our OTC block trade and custody solutions keep your assets safe and secure.

Our solutions are designed to meet the needs of institutional investors, with a focus on security, compliance, and performance.

Get ahead of the competition and invest in the future with Bay One Capital



Aggregate liquidity from multiple markets globally. Provide OTC block trade executions for institutions.


Third party custody solution for crypto assets. Regular stress-testing of the deployed systems.

Customer Service

Dedicated client service team to address client queries on 24/7 basis. Problem solving mindset.


Banking relationships established in multiple jurisdictions to ensure smooth convertibility between major fiat currencies and cryptos.


Operate under compliance requirements consistent with the global standard. Inhouse KYC / AML procedures adherent with international compliance practices.


Provide periodic and on-demand client reporting with full transparency. Auditable transaction records.

BayOne Capital has
achieved to:

Meet Our Team

The BayOne Capital management team consists of seasoned professionals who leverage their expertise in crypto and blockchain technologies, the brokerage service industry, and traditional finance. The backgrounds of our founding partners range from equity and derivative trading to operations, asset management, and information technology.

Business Overview


Join our collective – we are a group of the top minds looking to make a change in the crypto world, and we would like to invite you to be a part of this exciting project!